Customer service
Help with an order
Help with an order that hasn't arrived
If your estimated delivery date passes without your item arriving, simply report it to the seller. We’ll ensure they’re notified, making it easy for you to get updates on your order and resolve any issues.
Whether you have questions, need troubleshooting help, or want to access exclusive resources, signing in ensures that our support team has all your information at their fingertips, making it easier and faster to resolve your issues.
If you notice that the expected delivery date has come and gone without your package showing up, don’t hesitate to reach out to the seller to let them know about the delay. Communication is key! If the seller doesn’t get back to you or if they’re unable to sort out the issue, you might be in luck with the ebid Money Back Guarantee, which can help you get your money back hassle-free.
With just a few clicks, you can easily find your item in your Purchases section. Not only will you see the expected delivery date, but you'll also get the scoop on the address it's headed to and the latest updates on its journey.
Let us know that your item hasn't arrived
If your item hasn’t arrived within 30 calendar days after the estimated delivery date, don’t worry! You can easily report the issue, and our dedicated seller will jump into action. They’re committed to responding within 3 business days, whether that means providing you with a delivery update, offering a replacement, or processing a refund. If you opt for a refund, it’ll be returned to your original payment method, and you can expect to see it back in your account within 3-5 business days. We’re here to make sure you’re satisfied with your purchase, so you can shop with confidence!
Ask ebid to step in and help
If you find yourself in a situation where the seller hasn't responded or hasn't provided a resolution within three business days, don't worry! You have the option to ask us to step in and help resolve the issue. This is a great safety net for buyers, ensuring that you’re not left hanging. Plus, you have a generous window of up to 21 business days from the date you opened your original request to take action